Proudly serving MA, ME and NH

Provider Group

Provider Group
Type of work: Demo and Fitup of Existing Space First Floor
Location: 160 Gould St Needham MA
Square Feet: 3,500
Contract: Negotiated Contract
Landlord: Cushman and Wakefield
Owner: Provider Group
Architect: Sierra Arch
Engineer: C3 Consulting

Project Description:

Our team led the Pre-Construction efforts as well as construction for this project. From suggestion, qualifying and working with the A&E team to guiding the owner to milestones to achieve a hard end date. This project is a great example of understand our client’s business needs.

  • Open ceiling concept and frameless glazing systems
  • Occupied Class A Office building- high level of attention to surrounding tenants and protection/clean up
  • Full pre-construction services yielded a swift 5 week construction schedule