Proudly serving MA, ME and NH

Tewksbury Hospital

Tewksbury Hospital
Type of work: Renovation C-2 Unit State Hospital, Second Floor
Location: Tewksbury, MA
Square Feet: 13,000
Contract: Lump Sum
Landlord: Tewksbury Hospital Owner
Owner: State of MA
Architect: GMI Architects
Engineer: WSP Engineers

Project Description:

Closing off an entire building wing while the balance of the hospital was live/operational was the greatest challenge of this project. Fortunately, our experience for working in and around occupied spaces with varied constraints proved to be a success for the Hospital, tenant and patients.

  • Compressed Schedule to accommodate new tenant occupancy
  • Coordination of all owner and tenant vendors
  • Communication was paramount for life safety system shutdowns and upgrades
  • Careful coordination of ACM removal and notification process during demolition phases